Please Go Through Everything Before Your Session
Common Questions
1. How do you usually work with clients?
Our goal first and foremost is to transform you, so that you feel ready to transform others and turn the vision you hold of your coaching business into your reality. We do this by providing the necessary awareness and tools, by coaching the internal changes and mentoring the external changes that will move you into a place of:
Taking consistent action towards the creation of your vision (and really feeling that movement)…
Knowing that you are the person you need to be in order to create the life you want to live and make the impact you want to make…
Truly feeling like the coach you want to be, knowing that you are more than good enough, deserving of and capable of changing your own life, as well as the lives of many others…
Possessing unshakeable confidence within yourself and your abilities, genuinely believing that you can change lives and make your vision your reality…
Trusting in the process and enjoying the journey, knowing that you can get yourself to where you want to be, feeling clear about how you’ll make that happen…
Showing up fearlessly and without concern for the opinions of others…
Feeling in control of your life, knowing that you’re doing enough and can maintain harmony as you shift your day-to-day life to the life of your dreams…
Having no doubts that you will succeed, being excited to step into the fulfilling life that you are creating for yourself, but at the same time being happy, proud and grateful for where you already are – because you’re finally present with your dreams becoming reality.
The bottom line is that you genuinely become, and genuinely feel like, the person you need to be in order to create what you want to have.
The real reason…
First-time coaches enter this space eager to change not only their own life, but the lives of many many others. They join the world of coaching with the best of intentions, generally inspired by a transformation that they have recently experienced within themselves – feeling a real calling to share the value they have to offer. They are often seeking a life of fulfilment and freedom for themselves, but also genuinely want to make the world a better place for others.
The sad reality is that most of these first-time coaches don’t get to make that happen. Not because it isn’t possible for them, but because they lacked what they needed to see it through to a point of success. Even though they possess genuine desire and honest intentions, they lack the clarity, confidence, self belief and action taking to make it happen and often give up on themselves and their dreams before ever reaching the place they need to be to turn their visions into their realities. They may have gotten themselves certified, but they never built up the confidence they needed to show up and actually sign clients. They may have found a killer business strategy, but they never overcame the fear of being seen that’s preventing them from implementing it. They may know within themselves that they desire to be a coach in their own coaching business, living a life of freedom and fulfilment, changing lives from anywhere in the world – but the doubt they feel deep down about their ability to actually do it stops them from even trying.
A huge proportion of the first-time coaches we’ve spoken to are procrastinating making movement because they’re ultimately not convinced that they’re going to be able to do it. They’re so anxious of failing that they don’t start – or they at least don’t show up in the way they want to, and this frustrates them. They don’t like the place they find themselves and they want to feel like they are moving themselves out of it, but if they are honest with themselves – most of the time they don’t really believe they can.
They are spending most of their time, energy and money acquiring more and more information, rarely acting on it, in order to try and feel good enough or feel confident that they will be perceived as credible. They are second guessing the action that they do take as they feel like an imposter. They are hard on themselves and don’t celebrate their progress because they have so much doubt about whether it’s “right” or “enough”.
They put a lot of effort into making sure the action they do take is “perfect” before it is ready to be seen, they avoid putting themselves out there as they fear being judged or ridiculed, they either tell others that things are going better than they are, or avoid telling them anything all together – in order to avoid being perceived as a failure.
They beat themselves up, they compare themselves to other people who seem to have what they want, they become anxious, stressed and disheartened from the uncertainty that comes from not feeling good enough and not feeling like they have everything they need to get where they want to be. They don’t know if they can do this – and that scares them – and damages the view they have of themselves. They want to love the person they have become, they want to believe in them, they want to show up and make it happen – but they are not, and this has lowered their self esteem.
They resent their current day-to-day life. They don’t like their job, they have a lot on their plate, they don’t feel like they can cope sometimes and this in particular reinforces the feeling of being an imposter. They know that this life is not what they want – but they are not sure they will ever be able to escape it. This leads to feelings of general unhappiness and unfulfillment that translates into their day-to-day relationships and home life dynamics. They are disappointed in themselves that they are not setting the example that they want for their families and worry that they are going to let their loved ones down or embarrass them…
And so they quit.
We are here to change that narrative.
To do this, we have to get you feeling like the person you actually need to be in order to show up fearlessly and confidently, have unshakeable belief within yourself and take the aligned action that gets it done.
If you knew you were the person you needed to be, there’d be no room for sabotaging your success. If you are the person who makes it happen, your only choice is to make it happen.
When first-time coaches begin identifying as the person they need to be, they effortlessly take consistent action towards building their vision and feel comfortable doing so, as they can see it is aligned with the identity of the person they have become. They are able to show up fearlessly as they understand that they were born to succeed, and that any failures they encounter are simply a part of their journey to success. They have found acceptance and gratitude for the place they currently find themselves within their life and are able to really be present and appreciate what is, while simultaneously feeling the creation and movement towards more. They are excited to see what each and every step unveils for them within their process because they trust that it will get them where they want to be. They have complete and total belief that they will get where they want to be, and it feels amazing.
They are spending most of their energy, time and money learning and investing in the things that really excite them and will allow them to progress on their journey. They act on what they learn and they are eager and excited to see what results it brings them. They don’t waste time or money on information or further certification that isn’t necessary because they know that they don’t need it – they are already more than good enough and they know this within themselves – they don’t need to convince other people in order to feel that. They have complete certainty that they can provide the change in people’s lives that they say they can, so they know this certainty will be projected on to their prospects. They are so proud of the person they have become and they know that they have the consistent action taking, self belief, mindset and skill set to make it happen. They are experiencing complete ownership of the creation of their vision and truly feel that there is no one else better suited to do this, than them.
They are comfortable with taking imperfect action and no longer overthink their decisions – this has a huge part to play in the increasing speed of their movement. They are able to let go of perfectionism and show up authentically, because they no longer care what anyone else thinks. They understand that people will hold the opinions they want to hold regardless, and they don’t concern themselves with learning or worrying about what those opinions are. They know that by being imperfectly authentic they are attracting their tribe and repelling those who are not suited to be in their circle – they know now that this is a good thing. Above all else they embrace the potential for judgement because they understand this means that they are being seen and shining brightly.
They are supporting themselves, loving themselves, believing in themselves and are so proud of the impact they can feel themselves beginning to make. They don’t feel the need to compare themselves to anyone else, because they are so comfortable and focused within themselves. They can relax knowing that no matter how the journey unfolds for them – they can always count on THEMSELVES to get them where they want to be. They have complete certainty that they can do this – and this is truly liberating. They can see that they are showing up in the way they always wanted to, and this allows them to experience positive self regard at a level they’ve never experienced before. They are simply so proud of themselves.
This consistent movement and certainty in themselves has allowed them to really feel excited about life. They may still be working a job that they don’t like, they may still have a lot on their plate but they are able to cope. When they have their moments of feeling like they can’t cope, they understand that this is not them being an imposter – but being an authentic human being who can resonate with the people they are now ready to help on a deeper level. This translates into feelings of general happiness and fulfilment that carries over into their home life and relationships. They are so confident within their abilities to change lives that they have released all doubt that this could never happen. Its non – negotiable, they are fired up. They are leading by the most beautiful example for those around them that you can be and do anything you put your mind to and they are so excited to continue to make their loved ones proud.
What we do is provide the necessary awareness and tools, coach you through the internal changes and mentor you through the external changes to move you to this place.
By addressing overwhelm and confusion, taking aligned action, getting a clearer plan, overcoming procrastination and perfectionism, getting more organised, shifting imposter syndrome and self sabotage, addressing limiting beliefs, getting focused, overcoming unhelpful emotions, increasing resilience, managing empathy, addressing the relationship you have with yourself, getting clear on the actual practicalities and essentials of being a coach and running a coaching business, overcoming fear and releasing the need for approval, increasing confidence and self belief and taking full ownership of the creation of your vision through dedicated 1-2-1 support, coaching and master-level NLP, in-depth trainings and mentored action taking – you’ll become the coach you need to be to create the reality you desire.
2. What can I expect from the call?
The point of this call is to give you a thorough understanding of what’s currently preventing you from truly feeling like the coach you need to be in order to create your vision. We’ll be exploring the vision you hold of the coach you want to be, the life you want to create and the impact you want to make and together, we’ll gain complete clarity on what actually needs to be done to make that happen. Whether this means addressing overwhelm and confusion, taking more aligned action or having a clearer plan, overcoming procrastination or perfectionism, getting more organised, shifting imposter syndrome and self sabotage, addressing limiting beliefs, getting focused, overcoming unhelpful emotions, increasing resilience, managing empathy, addressing the relationship you have with yourself, getting clear on the actual practicalities and essentials of being a coach and running a coaching business, overcoming fear and releasing the need for approval, increasing confidence and self belief, taking full ownership of the creation of your vision or ALL of the above – by the end of this call you’ll leave with total awareness of the transformation that first needs to take place within YOU, before you can feel ready to transform others. If we determine that working with Brooke is your best next step to making this happen, then we will talk about that. If not, you’ll still leave the call knowing where to focus your efforts so that you can become the coach you need to be to make your vision your reality.
Inspired to enter the world of coaching after overcoming chronic stress, low self esteem and body dysmorphia, Brooke originally felt called to work with women facing similar challenges to her own.
Despite being initially convinced that her combination of personal experience and newly acquired coaching qualifications would give her everything she needed to not only change her life but the lives of many other women, Brooke speaks openly about the surprising realisations she faced when she first began her journey into the world of coaching. Struggling with overwhelming levels of apprehension for the opinions of others, a complete lack of confidence and belief that she could actually make the impact she wanted to make, feeling not good enough, not deserving of, and incapable of creating the meaningful and fulfilling life of freedom she desired, Brooke often shares her experience of constantly sabotaging her own success.
Fast forward to today, Brooke Summer Adams is an internationally accredited Transformation Coach working full time in her own successful coaching business from anywhere in the world, certified to a master-level in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a graduate of Psychology with a 1st Class Honours Degree (BS.c), a Yahoo Finance Top 10 Female Life-Coach of 2021, a Brainz 500 Global Award Winner of 2021, a Workshop Facilitator at the worlds #1 Coaching Academy, an
for an entrepreneurial magazine and an international Speaker, Trainer, and Writer.This impressive turnaround is something that Brooke herself warrants entirely to the work she did on herself. After building unshakeable self belief and confidence, overcoming fear and taking aligned action – Brooke was able to make her vision her reality. After several successful years transforming the lives of other women, she became contracted with the worlds #1 coaching academy to help them teach other first time coaches how to make their visions their realites too.
This is when Brooke learnt that the problems she faced as a first-time coach were not unique to her. This is when she realised that the work she needed to do on herself in order to genuinely feel ready to transform others and have what it takes to create her vision, was the same work that other first-time coaches needed to do on themselves too. This is when the Ready, Set, GLOW programme was born, and this was when Brooke realised everything that unfolded to get her to this moment, did so for a reason.
From this point onwards, Brooke transitioned to work solely with first-time coaches, transforming them so they feel ready to transform others, and helping them become the version of themselves who has what it takes to create their vision, by building unshakeable self belief and confidence, overcoming fear and taking aligned action.
Brooke’s story and early coaching days
Yahoo Finance Top 10 Female Life Coaches 2021
Read the articles Brooke has written for Brainz Magazine
Connect with Brooke on Facebook
1. How do you usually work with clients?
Our goal first and foremost is to transform you, so that you feel ready to transform others and turn the vision you hold of your coaching business into your reality. We do this by providing the necessary awareness and tools, by coaching the internal changes and mentoring the external changes that will move you into a place of:
Taking consistent action towards the creation of your vision (and really feeling that movement)…
Knowing that you are the person you need to be in order to create the life you want to live and make the impact you want to make…
Truly feeling like the coach you want to be, knowing that you are more than good enough, deserving of and capable of changing your own life, as well as the lives of many others…
Possessing unshakeable confidence within yourself and your abilities, genuinely believing that you can change lives and make your vision your reality…
Trusting in the process and enjoying the journey, knowing that you can get yourself to where you want to be, feeling clear about how you’ll make that happen…
Showing up fearlessly and without concern for the opinions of others…
Feeling in control of your life, knowing that you’re doing enough and can maintain harmony as you shift your day-to-day life to the life of your dreams…
Having no doubts that you will succeed, being excited to step into the fulfilling life that you are creating for yourself, but at the same time being happy, proud and grateful for where you already are – because you’re finally present with your dreams becoming reality.
The bottom line is that you genuinely become, and genuinely feel like, the person you need to be in order to create what you want to have.
The real reason…
First-time coaches enter this space eager to change not only their own life, but the lives of many many others. They join the world of coaching with the best of intentions, generally inspired by a transformation that they have recently experienced within themselves – feeling a real calling to share the value they have to offer. They are often seeking a life of fulfilment and freedom for themselves, but also genuinely want to make the world a better place for others.
The sad reality is that most of these first-time coaches don’t get to make that happen. Not because it isn’t possible for them, but because they lacked what they needed to see it through to a point of success. Even though they possess genuine desire and honest intentions, they lack the clarity, confidence, self belief and action taking to make it happen and often give up on themselves and their dreams before ever reaching the place they need to be to turn their visions into their realities. They may have gotten themselves certified, but they never built up the confidence they needed to show up and actually sign clients. They may have found a killer business strategy, but they never overcame the fear of being seen that’s preventing them from implementing it. They may know within themselves that they desire to be a coach in their own coaching business, living a life of freedom and fulfilment, changing lives from anywhere in the world – but the doubt they feel deep down about their ability to actually do it stops them from even trying.
A huge proportion of the first-time coaches we’ve spoken to are procrastinating making movement because they’re ultimately not convinced that they’re going to be able to do it. They’re so anxious of failing that they don’t start – or they at least don’t show up in the way they want to, and this frustrates them. They don’t like the place they find themselves and they want to feel like they are moving themselves out of it, but if they are honest with themselves – most of the time they don’t really believe they can.
They are spending most of their time, energy and money acquiring more and more information, rarely acting on it, in order to try and feel good enough or feel confident that they will be perceived as credible. They are second guessing the action that they do take as they feel like an imposter. They are hard on themselves and don’t celebrate their progress because they have so much doubt about whether it’s “right” or “enough”.
They put a lot of effort into making sure the action they do take is “perfect” before it is ready to be seen, they avoid putting themselves out there as they fear being judged or ridiculed, they either tell others that things are going better than they are, or avoid telling them anything all together – in order to avoid being perceived as a failure.
They beat themselves up, they compare themselves to other people who seem to have what they want, they become anxious, stressed and disheartened from the uncertainty that comes from not feeling good enough and not feeling like they have everything they need to get where they want to be. They don’t know if they can do this – and that scares them – and damages the view they have of themselves. They want to love the person they have become, they want to believe in them, they want to show up and make it happen – but they are not, and this has lowered their self esteem.
They resent their current day-to-day life. They don’t like their job, they have a lot on their plate, they don’t feel like they can cope sometimes and this in particular reinforces the feeling of being an imposter. They know that this life is not what they want – but they are not sure they will ever be able to escape it. This leads to feelings of general unhappiness and unfulfillment that translates into their day-to-day relationships and home life dynamics. They are disappointed in themselves that they are not setting the example that they want for their families and worry that they are going to let their loved ones down or embarrass them…
And so they quit.
We are here to change that narrative.
To do this, we have to get you feeling like the person you actually need to be in order to show up fearlessly and confidently, have unshakeable belief within yourself and take the aligned action that gets it done.
If you knew you were the person you needed to be, there’d be no room for sabotaging your success. If you are the person who makes it happen, your only choice is to make it happen.
When first-time coaches begin identifying as the person they need to be, they effortlessly take consistent action towards building their vision and feel comfortable doing so, as they can see it is aligned with the identity of the person they have become. They are able to show up fearlessly as they understand that they were born to succeed, and that any failures they encounter are simply a part of their journey to success. They have found acceptance and gratitude for the place they currently find themselves within their life and are able to really be present and appreciate what is, while simultaneously feeling the creation and movement towards more. They are excited to see what each and every step unveils for them within their process because they trust that it will get them where they want to be. They have complete and total belief that they will get where they want to be, and it feels amazing.
They are spending most of their energy, time and money learning and investing in the things that really excite them and will allow them to progress on their journey. They act on what they learn and they are eager and excited to see what results it brings them. They don’t waste time or money on information or further certification that isn’t necessary because they know that they don’t need it – they are already more than good enough and they know this within themselves – they don’t need to convince other people in order to feel that. They have complete certainty that they can provide the change in people’s lives that they say they can, so they know this certainty will be projected on to their prospects. They are so proud of the person they have become and they know that they have the consistent action taking, self belief, mindset and skill set to make it happen. They are experiencing complete ownership of the creation of their vision and truly feel that there is no one else better suited to do this, than them.
They are comfortable with taking imperfect action and no longer overthink their decisions – this has a huge part to play in the increasing speed of their movement. They are able to let go of perfectionism and show up authentically, because they no longer care what anyone else thinks. They understand that people will hold the opinions they want to hold regardless, and they don’t concern themselves with learning or worrying about what those opinions are. They know that by being imperfectly authentic they are attracting their tribe and repelling those who are not suited to be in their circle – they know now that this is a good thing. Above all else they embrace the potential for judgement because they understand this means that they are being seen and shining brightly.
They are supporting themselves, loving themselves, believing in themselves and are so proud of the impact they can feel themselves beginning to make. They don’t feel the need to compare themselves to anyone else, because they are so comfortable and focused within themselves. They can relax knowing that no matter how the journey unfolds for them – they can always count on THEMSELVES to get them where they want to be. They have complete certainty that they can do this – and this is truly liberating. They can see that they are showing up in the way they always wanted to, and this allows them to experience positive self regard at a level they’ve never experienced before. They are simply so proud of themselves.
This consistent movement and certainty in themselves has allowed them to really feel excited about life. They may still be working a job that they don’t like, they may still have a lot on their plate but they are able to cope. When they have their moments of feeling like they can’t cope, they understand that this is not them being an imposter – but being an authentic human being who can resonate with the people they are now ready to help on a deeper level. This translates into feelings of general happiness and fulfilment that carries over into their home life and relationships. They are so confident within their abilities to change lives that they have released all doubt that this could never happen. Its non – negotiable, they are fired up. They are leading by the most beautiful example for those around them that you can be and do anything you put your mind to and they are so excited to continue to make their loved ones proud.
What we do is provide the necessary awareness and tools, coach you through the internal changes and mentor you through the external changes to move you to this place.
By addressing overwhelm and confusion, taking aligned action, getting a clearer plan, overcoming procrastination and perfectionism, getting more organised, shifting imposter syndrome and self sabotage, addressing limiting beliefs, getting focused, overcoming unhelpful emotions, increasing resilience, managing empathy, addressing the relationship you have with yourself, getting clear on the actual practicalities and essentials of being a coach and running a coaching business, overcoming fear and releasing the need for approval, increasing confidence and self belief and taking full ownership of the creation of your vision through dedicated 1-2-1 support, coaching and master-level NLP, in-depth trainings and mentored action taking – you’ll become the coach you need to be to create the reality you desire.
2. What can I expect from the call?
The point of this call is to give you a thorough understanding of what’s currently preventing you from truly feeling like the coach you need to be in order to create your vision. We’ll be exploring the vision you hold of the coach you want to be, the life you want to create and the impact you want to make and together, we’ll gain complete clarity on what actually needs to be done to make that happen. Whether this means addressing overwhelm and confusion, taking more aligned action or having a clearer plan, overcoming procrastination or perfectionism, getting more organised, shifting imposter syndrome and self sabotage, addressing limiting beliefs, getting focused, overcoming unhelpful emotions, increasing resilience, managing empathy, addressing the relationship you have with yourself, getting clear on the actual practicalities and essentials of being a coach and running a coaching business, overcoming fear and releasing the need for approval, increasing confidence and self belief, taking full ownership of the creation of your vision or ALL of the above – by the end of this call you’ll leave with total awareness of the transformation that first needs to take place within YOU, before you can feel ready to transform others. If we determine that working with Brooke is your best next step to making this happen, then we will talk about that. If not, you’ll still leave the call knowing where to focus your efforts so that you can become the coach you need to be to make your vision your reality.
Inspired to enter the world of coaching after overcoming chronic stress, low self esteem and body dysmorphia, Brooke originally felt called to work with women facing similar challenges to her own.
Despite being initially convinced that her combination of personal experience and newly acquired coaching qualifications would give her everything she needed to not only change her life but the lives of many other women, Brooke speaks openly about the surprising realisations she faced when she first began her journey into the world of coaching. Struggling with overwhelming levels of apprehension for the opinions of others, a complete lack of confidence and belief that she could actually make the impact she wanted to make, feeling not good enough, not deserving of, and incapable of creating the meaningful and fulfilling life of freedom she desired, Brooke often shares her experience of constantly sabotaging her own success.
Fast forward to today, Brooke Summer Adams is an internationally accredited Transformation Coach working full time in her own successful coaching business from anywhere in the world, certified to a master-level in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a graduate of Psychology with a 1st Class Honours Degree (BS.c), a Yahoo Finance Top 10 Female Life-Coach of 2021, a Brainz 500 Global Award Winner of 2021, a Workshop Facilitator at the worlds #1 Coaching Academy, an
for an entrepreneurial magazine and an international Speaker, Trainer, and Writer.This impressive turnaround is something that Brooke herself warrants entirely to the work she did on herself. After building unshakeable self belief and confidence, overcoming fear and taking aligned action – Brooke was able to make her vision her reality. After several successful years transforming the lives of other women, she became contracted with the worlds #1 coaching academy to help them teach other first time coaches how to make their visions their realites too.
This is when Brooke learnt that the problems she faced as a first-time coach were not unique to her. This is when she realised that the work she needed to do on herself in order to genuinely feel ready to transform others and have what it takes to create her vision, was the same work that other first-time coaches needed to do on themselves too. This is when the Ready, Set, GLOW programme was born, and this was when Brooke realised everything that unfolded to get her to this moment, did so for a reason.
From this point onwards, Brooke transitioned to work solely with first-time coaches, transforming them so they feel ready to transform others, and helping them become the version of themselves who has what it takes to create their vision, by building unshakeable self belief and confidence, overcoming fear and taking aligned action.
Brooke’s story and early coaching days
Yahoo Finance Top 10 Female Life Coaches 2021
Read the articles Brooke has written for Brainz Magazine
Connect with Brooke on Facebook