Ready, Set, Glow - THE Transformation Programme for First-time Coaches
Helping First-time Coaches Show Up Fearlessly and Confidently, Find Unshakeable Belief Within Themselves, Kickstart Aligned Movement and Feel Ready to GLOW
Who Am I?
After overcoming my own personal hardship and experiencing transformation firsthand, I was inspired to take to university to acquire the qualifications I needed to adopt the meaningful title of “Transformation Coach”. Originally convinced that my combination of personal experience, qualifications, and expertise would give me everything I need to not only change my life but the lives of many other women, I was surprised to find myself feeling extremely out of my depth.
As I started to take those first steps to launch my coaching business, I experienced so much apprehension about what people would think, that I couldn’t show up in the way that I needed to get clients. I had so little confidence in my ability to actually make the impact that I wanted to make, that I would procrastinate even trying. I was so frozen with overwhelm about the steps I needed to take that I just didn’t take any. The lack of results and sheer discomfort that I was experiencing led to me convincing myself I wasn’t good enough, wasn’t deserving of, and wasn’t capable of creating the meaningful and fulfilling life of freedom I desired. I felt like a hypocrite, I felt like an imposter and I was so anxious that everyone else would eventually see me in the same way.
This led to me hiring the coach who moved me to that place of unshakeable self-belief and confidence, a place of consistent aligned movement, and a place of showing up fearlessly. This growth within myself was quickly followed by finally leaving my 9-5, genuinely making the impact I wanted to make within the lives of real women, being recognised as a Top 10 Female Life Coach by Yahoo Finance, and being contracted as a Coaching Advisor for the world’s largest online coaching community, helping other first time coaches to begin their own journeys into the world of coaching business.
This was when I realized, that the obstacles I had experienced early in my journey were not unique to me. I was not the only coach who had held themselves back with fear, doubt, and concern for what other people would think – it was also pretty much every other first-time coach that I was advising. Over time, I could see clearly how useless a coaching certification is if you don’t have the confidence to actually coach, I could see clearly how useless a killer business strategy is when you’re too scared to implement it, and I could see how useless the constant planning and learning was if the coach never felt good enough to actually put it to use. I realized that in order to create the coaching business you want to have and to make the impact you want to make – you first need to make sure that YOU are the coach you need to be to make it happen… and the Ready, Set, GLOW programme was born.
This programme is what enables other first-time coaches to fully transform into the version of themselves that has what it takes to create their vision, this programme is what enables other first-time coaches to go and create the impact, freedom, and fulfillment that they are seeking and this programme is what will allow me to help YOU do the same.
Brooke Summer Adams is internationally accredited in Transformational Coaching, certified to a master-level in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a graduate of Psychology with a 1st Class Honours Degree (BS.c), a Yahoo Finance Top 10 Female Life-Coach of 2021, a Brainz 500 Global Award Winner of 2021, a Workshop Facilitator at the worlds #1 Coaching Academy, an
for an entrepreneurial magazine and an international Speaker, Trainer, and Writer.

About My Program
Who It Is For?
New, aspiring coaches who are wanting to change their lives as well as the lives of many others, but are lacking the self-belief, confidence and action taking needed to make it happen. They are procrastinating movement due to an overwhelm of doubt, fear of what others might think, a lack of clarity and worry that they may not be ‘good enough’. They are willing and prepared to transform their belief system, identity, mindset, and lifestyle, strengthen their emotional and empathic resilience and find certainty in their ability to change lives, so they can have what it takes to create their vision. They are ready to overcome procrastination and overwhelm, build unshakable self-belief and confidence, harness unconditional self-love, and take full OWNERSHIP of the creation of their vision, so they can step into alignment with everything they want to create in the world.
Who It Is Not For?
- New aspiring coaches who aren’t prepared to take the necessary action to become the coach they want to be and create the vision they want to have
- New aspiring coaches who are happy to settle for any less than the vision they have of freedom, impact and fulfilment
- New aspiring coaches who push all blame to factors outside of themselves and refuse to take ownership for becoming the coach they want to be and creating the vision they want to have
- New aspiring coaches who refuse to work on their own mindset but still expect to be able to help others on theirs
- New aspiring coaches who refuse to invest in themselves but still expect others to invest in them
Module One
Getting Completely Clear on WHO You Want to Be, and HOW to Become Them
Module 1 takes one week to complete, by the end of this Module you will have:
- Complete clarity on WHO it is you want to become, the life you want to live, the impact you want to make, and exactly HOW we’ll be making that happen.
- Tangible, measurable, and guaranteed results for us to work towards throughout the programme.
- A solid understanding of the underlying mechanisms responsible for real transformation.
- Invaluable, firsthand insight for when it comes to transforming your future clients – by truly understanding the process of genuine transformation.
- A newfound feeling of empowerment and control over your upcoming transformation, having released the overwhelm that comes from a lack of clarity and clear direction.
- An unmatched level of excitement for being on the path that you KNOW is heading exactly to where you want to be.
With in-depth training videos on the process of transformation, a personalized ‘Best Self Audit’ workbook and a 120-minute private 1-2-1 Clarity Call.
By the end of Module 1, you’ll be feeling clear about where you’re heading, in control of the journey to get there, and can relax into knowing that you can’t do the right process and not get the right result.
Module Two
Creating Your Lifestyle Design
Module 2 takes one week to complete, by the end of this Module you will have:
- Your very own lifestyle design – a personalized method of time management that is specifically designed to create movement and alignment in your life, in a way that you’ll really feel it.
- A thorough understanding of why your lifestyle will be such a huge determinant of your success, what it means to live intentionally and how to live in alignment.
- The satisfaction that comes from finally making the movement you’ve been procrastinating.
- Kickstarted your transformation by living in the way you would if you were already who you wanted to be – by the end of this module you’ll be living in alignment with the person you want to become… and you’ll feel that.
With training videos on aligned and intentional living, a template for your lifestyle design visual and a 60-minute 1-2-1 private lifestyle design session, we will effectively guarantee your own consistent progress, towards the life you want by preparing the perfect environment for you to feel the way you want to feel, take the action you want to take and kiss goodbye to the frustration that comes from a lack of movement – all while not just managing, but enjoying, ‘normal life’.
Module Three
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Module 3 takes one week to complete, by the end of this Module you will have:
- Let go of the idea that you are not good enough, not worthy, or not capable of being the coach you want to be.
- Fully overcome imposter syndrome using a combination of powerful learnings, new awareness’, traditional coaching, and master-level NLP.
- Taken a huge step closer to that unshakable self-belief, confidence, and certainty within yourself that we are working towards.
Inside module 3 you’ll find training on truly understanding your imposter and saying goodbye, several powerful and specifically designed exercises to start shifting self-doubt to a logical level, and a 120-minute private 1-2-1 coaching and master level NLP session to bring your subconscious mind up to speed. By the end of Module 3, you’ll know that you are good enough, worthy enough, and capable enough of being the coach you want to be – leaving you wondering how you ever felt like an imposter in the first place.
Module Four
Addressing Your Belief System
Module 4 takes two weeks to complete, by the end of this Module you will have:
- Eliminated any limiting beliefs that are presently holding you back, leaving a system of empowering beliefs that underpin 95% of what you think, feel, say, see and do.
- The unshakable self-belief, confidence, and certainty within yourself that you’ve been looking for.
- Released self-sabotage, procrastination, and perfectionism.
- Let go of the anxiety that comes from uncertainty and a perceived lack of control.
- Made consistent action taking feel more comfortable.
- Completely transformed the way you see yourself, your life, your experiences, and your world.
- An in-depth understanding of the belief system, why it is so important, and how to change it.
- The first-hand experience of what it feels like to make such huge shifts in your perspective and identity.
As an aspiring coach already, you may not need me to tell you that addressing your belief system is THE most powerful thing you can do when it comes to transformation, this is what justifies Module 4 being twice as long as any of the other modules (2 weeks rather than 1).
Inside this module, you’ll find in-depth training on understanding and changing the belief system and all its implications, specifically designed exercises to help you identify the limiting beliefs that you are capable of becoming aware of, and 2 x 60-minute private 1-2-1 coaching and master-level NLP sessions to identify those ones that you aren’t… and CHANGE them.
Module Five
Reprogramming Your Focus
Module 5 takes one week to complete, by the end of this Module you will have:
- A thorough understanding of how your focus crafts your perception of the world and the way you feel about it.
- Retrained your brain to no longer fixate on your flaws, weaknesses, or what didn’t go well.
- Prevented overwhelm, stress and frustration by managing your focus and the places you invest your energy.
- Hard-wired your brain to automatically focus on the information around you that IS helpful (what you ARE doing, what IS going well, your strengths, and the things that make you feel inspired, grateful, calm, and in control).
- Created an overall automatic attentional focus that not only makes for an incredibly helpful mindset and state of being for the creation of your vision, but also allows you to find those feelings of peace, certainty, gratitude, and satisfaction even before you have the vision created.
Module Six
Updating your Mental Programmes
Module 6 takes one week to complete, by the end of this Module you will have:
- The necessary awareness to access helpful emotional states of being within yourself and make these your new DEFAULT states of being.
- The necessary awareness to manage your thoughts, feelings, and behavior in a way that serves you, is aligned with the person you are ready to become, and ultimately becomes HABITUAL.
- Truly integrated your new and improved ways of being into your identity, feeling more NATURAL and automatic (not forced).
Module 6 is all about thinking and feeling in the way you want to – naturally and habitually. Named “Updating your Mental Programmes” pretty accurately, It’s this kind of work that sews these new seeds of growth deep into your subconscious, making sure you BECOME the coach you want to be, not just be able to force yourself to be like them using conscious effort, forever.
With training videos, workbooks, and a 120-minute private 1-2-1 coaching and master-level NLP session, by the time our work in this module takes effect, you’ll be doing all the things you’re struggling to do right now effortlessly. You’ll begin to wonder why you ever doubted yourself so much because doing the things you said you never could never do all of a sudden feels so YOU.
Module Seven
Strengthening Emotional and Empathic Resilience
Module 7 takes one week to complete, by the end of this Module you will have:
- The awareness and ability to not only regulate your own emotions, but to protect them from situations, events, other people, and their opinions…
- The emotional and empathic resilience that will allow you to help your clients solve their problems without them becoming your problems.
- The understanding you need to use your empathic abilities as a superpower and not an Achilles’ heel.
- Prioritized your energy, set boundaries, and got comfortable with taking guilt-free rest – so you can show up in the way that you need to create your vision and enjoy the process of doing so.
By the time you get to module 7, you’ll be believing, thinking and feeling in alignment with the coach you want to become and the vision you want to create – now we need to protect that energy in order for you to keep taking action.
With in-depth training videos on the processes of emotional and empathic regulation, protecting your energy, setting boundaries, and taking guilt-free rest, specifically designed workbooks to help you create bulletproof resilience and a 60-minute 1-2-1 coaching session solidifying your resilience skills, by the time you finish this module you’ll have the ability to make the impact you want to make, without that negatively impact on your emotions and your energy – imperative in order for you to not only be a coach – but to thrive as one.
Module Eight
Building an Unshakeable Relationship With Yourself
Module 8 takes one week to complete, by the end of this module you will have:
- Dived deep into self-discovery to fully understand who you truly are
- A compassionate, supportive, and unconditionally loving relationship with yourself
- Become your own biggest cheerleader by making positive self talk a habit
- Found security and validation within yourself, releasing the need for approval from others around you
- A thorough understanding of the process that builds a beautiful self-relationship, allowing you to forever increase the acceptance, love, and compassion that you have developed for yourself
With in-depth training videos on self-discovery, changing the relationship you have with yourself, re-training your habitual self-talk and the way you view yourself, a breathwork workshop to emphasize just how incredible you already are, and workbooks specifically designed to help you rewrite the narrative you’ve sold yourself and a 60-minute private 1-2-1 coaching session – you’ll finish this module with the unconditional self-love and never-ending support that makes this journey feel that much easier.
Module Nine
Having the Essentials of BEING a Coach
Module 9 takes one week to complete, by the end of this module you will have:
- A thorough understanding of the skills, expertise, and experience required for you to become the coach you want to be
- A heightened awareness of just how many of these skills, expertise, and experiences you already possess
- A specific step-by-step plan for you to acquire any remaining skills, expertise, and experiences that you could be currently lacking
- Put any remaining doubts that you are not good enough to be a coach to bed!
- Let go of any unhelpful social comparisons that are causing you to doubt your ability to be the coach you want to be
- Developed patience, peace, and acceptance with not yet knowing it all
- Found pride and appreciation for where you currently are in your journey
Inside this module, you’ll not only find in-depth explanations of everything you’ll need along your journey of becoming a coach, but you’ll also find workbooks and a 60-minute private 1-2-1 coaching session to open your eyes to quite how many of these ‘needs’ you already possess. During this module you will be pleasantly surprised to realize that you are far more prepared than you thought and where we ARE lacking a particular skill or expertise – we will make a plan to get it.
Module Ten
Overcoming Fear
Module 10 takes one week to complete, by the end of this module you will have:
- Released the worry of what other people think
- Let go of the apprehension of potential failure
- Overcome the fear of being seen, judged, or ridiculed
- Became able to show up authentically, fearlessly, and without concern for the opinions of other people
- The first-hand experience and in-depth understanding of what it takes to truly push through fear and overcome it
With training videos to help you understand fear, social comparisons and the concerns we hold for the opinions of others, powerful and specifically designed workbooks to allow you to really understand your fears and their roots, and a 60-minute private 1-2-1 coaching and master-level NLP session to overcome your fears – you’ll finish module 10 feeling ready to put yourself out there while wondering what on earth you were ever so scared of.
Module Eleven
Creating Unshakeable Self Belief & Confidence
Module 11 takes one week to complete, by the end of this module you will have:
- Taken your new-found levels of self-belief and confidence to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL
- Invaluable awareness of where feelings of confidence and unshakeable self-belief exist within YOUR body, knowing how to access them on demand
- Never-ending access to the emotional states you need to show up consistently day after day, coach with confidence, and actually enjoy making the impact you make
- First-hand experience and a thorough understanding of how to create feelings of confidence and self-belief within a person – invaluable for not only your own journey as a coach but when it comes to coaching your future clients
Inside this module, you’ll find in-depth training videos on absolutely everything you need to know in order to believe in yourself at the ultimate level, and experience confidence in a way you’ve never felt it before, you’ll find eye-opening workbooks that allow you to bring awareness to your skill sets, experiences, competencies and downright proof that there is no one else better in this world to create this vision than YOU, and you’ll find a 60-minute private 1-2-1 confidence workshop that will have you casting the word “shy” out of your identity narrative forever. By the time you finish this module, you’ll have the never-ending unshakeable belief and downright certainty within yourself that will make creating your vision as natural as breathing.
Module Twelve
Taking Ownership
Module 12 takes one week to complete, by the end of this module you will have:
- Taken full ownership of the identity of the person who is going to make this happen
- Taken full ownership of the creation of your vision, really feeling like it belongs to you, and KNOWING that you are the best person in the world to create it
- Found complete trust within yourself and your process, KNOWING that YOU are going to make this happen
- Completely ditched any victim mentality or illusions that your results are outside of your control
- A thorough understanding of what it takes to re-write the identity narrative that a person holds, giving you the power to not only BE the exact person you want to be at any point in your future life but to help others become the people they want to be too
With powerful training on taking ownership, ditching the victim mentality, allowing yourself to fully trust in the process, and feeling fully aligned with your vision, workbooks specifically designed to help you craft your new identity and narrative and a 60-minute private 1-2-1 coaching session to solidify this powerful shift in mindset and identity, module 12 is when you realize you are the person you wished you could be 3 months ago.
Module Thirteen
Connecting to the Vision
Module 13 takes one week to complete, by the end of this module you will have:
- Become fully connected to your vision, feeling next-level excitement for it becoming your reality
- Solidified your focus to keep you on track as you get ready to take the next steps in your journey independently
- Created a visual that holds your vision firmly within your focus
- Completed a powerful subconscious experience of the day your dreams become your reality, anchoring that moment firmly within your mind, allowing you to be guided towards it
Inside module 13 you’ll find training videos on staying focused and connected to your vision, workbooks to help you create beautiful and powerful vision visuals, and a 60-minute 1-2-1 master-level NLP session to help you create a subconscious experience of fulfilling your vision, allowing you to feel fully connected – and unbelievably excited – about how close you now are.
Module Fourteen
Celebrating You
Module 14 takes one week to complete, by the end of this module you will have:
- Complete clarity, confidence, and certainty to go and make your vision your reality
- Heightened awareness of the transformation that has just taken place, knowing that you are now the person you need to be to make it happen and really FEELING like that person you wished you could be 16 weeks ago
- Celebrated yourself, your hard work, and the measurable and tangible results that you’ve got from the programme
Module 14 is all about celebrating YOU. We will finish up this incredible journey with an eye-opening 60-minute private 1-2-1 celebration session. Together we will review and reflect on the programme and your progress, and we’ll celebrate your successes, achievements, and your dedication to yourself. Before you’re allowed to go anywhere – we’ll be making sure you’re clear and excited for your steps moving forward as not only the very best version of yourself but as a fully prepared coach ready to GLOW.